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emergency plan in case of fire


The Hirer is the “Responsible Person” and is designated the person in charge of the Hall during your hire. You should make yourself entirely familiar with the layout of the Hall, the emergency exit routes (which must be kept clear) and the fire protection measures. It is advisable to make a note of the name of each person attending your event (see Step 3-Roll Call). 



  1. Activate alarm (if not already sounding) by pushing any one of the 3 fire alarm break glass buttons [1 near main entrance door; 2 by emergency exits in main hall.] 

  2. Open the 3 external fire doors by pushing on the bars on the 2 doors in the main hall, and opening and securing the main entrance doors. 

  3. Alert all in the Hall to the incident, then instruct all persons to leave the Hall using the nearest available Fire Exit in an orderly manner without panicking and following the FIRE EXIT signs. Close all internal doors unless required to facilitate escape. All should make their way to the nearest the road. to identify any missing persons. 

  4. Call the Fire Service/Fire Brigade on 999, however small the incident may appear to be, and give this address: WEST PECKHAM VILLAGE HALL, CHURCH ROAD, WEST PECKHAM MAIDSTONE, ME18 5JL
    There is no phone at the Hall and no public call box in the village. 

  5. Ensure that once the Hall is vacated, members of the public do not re-enter the building under any circumstances. 

  6. On arrival of the Fire Service/Fire Brigade inform the Officer in Charge that a Roll Call has been taken and all persons are safe/there are missing persons and their last known position. 

  7. Attempts to extinguish the outbreak of the fire with the fire-fighting equipment within the Hall should only be attempted if it is considered safe to do so. If in doubt vacate the building immediately. 

  8. Report the incident to the Bookings Clerk or a Hall trustee as soon as practicable. 

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