west peckham village hall charitable incorporated organisation
The West Peckham Village Hall Charitable Incorporated Organisation which maintains the hall for the benefit of the village's inhabitants and those in the surrounding communities, is a registered charity, number 1190977. Further details can be found on the Charity Commission's website below.
On 1st January 2021 ownership, management and operation of West Peckham Village Hall transferred from the old unincorporated Village Hall Association to the new West Peckham Village Hall Charitable Incorporated Organisation (WPVH CIO). This provides the Hall with a modern constitution and a clearer legal status which reflects the Charity Commission’s best practice objectives. WPVH CIO was registered with the Charity Commission on 24 August 2020.
The Hall continues to operate as it has in the past. The charitable objectives remain the same, and the Hall continues to be managed in the same way.