contact us
Fill in the above form or contact one of the trustees below.
Chairman: Matthew Edwards
Booking Clerk: Ron Wright
Telephone: 07761 005995
Treasurer: John Taylor
Trustee: Susan Simpson
Trustee: Peter Johnson
Trustee: Sarah Thompson
Trustee: Caroline Pearce
Trustee: Liz Reading
Privacy Notice
The West Peckham Village Hall uses personal data for the purposes of managing the Hall, its bookings and finances, running events at the Hall, staff employment and its fundraising activities. Data may be retained for up to seven years for accounts purposes, and for longer where required by the Hall’s insurers. If you would like to find out more about how we protect your personal data, please visit our Data Protection Policy [link to follow], or if you would like a copy of information about you that we hold, please contact the Bookings Clerk on